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Alon Eder & Band / Summary of Life So Far (CD) / UBCA-1045


Israeli singer-songwriter Alon Eder, gaining global attention from Tel Aviv, finally makes his debut in Japan!

His debut album was selected as the Album of the Year by the Israeli edition of Time Out Magazine and was also chosen as the annual best album by many websites and newspapers in Israel. Currently, he is the most talked-about singer-songwriter in Israel. The title track "A Little Love Won't Hurt" from this second album, Summary of Life So Far, released under the band name, became a huge hit in Israel in the summer of 2014 and continues to sell well into the present year.

A remarkable blend of astonishing musicality akin to John Lennon and Bob Dylan, mixed with a refreshing newness, truly representing the current scene in Tel Aviv. The artist is experiencing a tremendous breakthrough locally. (Makoto Kubota)

Makoto Kubota × Salam Kaijo Discussion <Excerpt>

Salam Kaijo (referred to as "SU"): "I interviewed Alon in Tel Aviv in December 2014. He appeared in a tank top and shorts, standing about 190cm tall, with a worn-out look (laughs). Born in 1983, he now lives in a rural kibbutz but grew up in the heart of Tel Aviv, as a city child. His father was a guitarist for one of the first-generation rock bands in 1970s Israel and now runs a music school, while his mother is a famous actress."

Makoto Kubota (referred to as "MK"): "Both in his vocal style and delivery, the influence of John Lennon is strong. Besides John's sons, there's hardly anyone else who resembles him to this extent. He's a rock child. But it's not just that. Conversely, there's an element of trying to shake off the rock, a struggling quality, and that's what's great."

SU: "And the first track, 'A Little Love Won't Hurt,' from this 3rd album became his first hit last fall."

MK: "He's stripped off the filters of his heart and is completely exposed. The lightness and strength of Tel Aviv's music right now, it's incredible. Even though it's a breakout moment locally, it speaks volumes to us, who don't understand Hebrew. 

A country about to celebrate its 70th independence is facing many problems, but there are people from all over the world who have immigrated, lived, worked, and earnestly created the proof of life, and that becomes music. It's stronger, more layered, and meticulously crafted music than anywhere else. It's not just 'rock!' It's the inevitable cracks of the rock, the blues contained within, it makes you feel all of that. Energy is condensed in various places, and time seems to move in waves. Well, in this somewhat smelly situation, this music coming out of Tel Aviv feels like witnessing the birth of San Francisco rock in the late 1960s. It's so interesting, I can't help it."

SU: "Music is a living thing, suddenly bursting out at a certain time and place. That's exactly how it feels in Israel right now."

MK: "Yes. When it's in the town, chemical changes occur. I think that's how the history of pop has always been, whether in Jamaica or New Orleans."

Alon Eder & Band / Summary of Life So Far (CD) / UBCA-1045

  • Tracklist

    1. ちょっとの愛なら傷もつかない "Chotto no Ai nara Kizu mo Tsukanai"
    2. ぼくの純白 "Boku no Junpaku"
    3. 未来 "Mirai"
    4. ユヴァル・ジョブ・ハーギル "Yuvar Job Hagil"
    5. ヨンボ "Yombo"
    6. とりあえず、これまでの人生の要約 "Tori aezu, Kore made no Jinsei no Yōyaku"
    7. 少年達の季節 "Shōnen-tachi no Kisetsu"
    8. ぼくは驚かない Boku ha Odoroka nai""
    9. イェッシュ "Yeah shu"
    10. マスク "Mask"
    11. 反復するコーラス "Hanpuku suru chorus"
  • Product ID

    Release Date: June 3, 2015

    Catalog Number: UBCA-1045

    Released by: Tuff Beats

    Distributed by: Space Shower Networks

    <Includes a discussion and commentary with Makoto Kubota and Salam Unagami>

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